SIKE!!! (is this how you spell it tho... is it sike / syke / psych???)
HAH there is no way that'd be the last trip I'd have to USS.
However, it was my last trip... with the season pass I had.
My friend wasn't feeling too well the other day bc she had studied until 4 or 5am
Like what???? #jckia #jclife
So, we took all the rides except for Cylon and Human ☹Oh wells...
what can I do when my secondary school friends are in Junior Colleges
(omg this line sounds so singlish)
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1. ok, first story. So, when my friend and I were queuing for the wet ride (that one wet ride we have in USS, aiya you know la), this family was queuing behind us and they were drinking from the water cooler. And somehow this boy who looks like he's 15yo finished drinking before his dad and sibling did, AND HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO CUT OUR QUEUE????? My friend and I just stared at each other, disgusted, for like 3 seconds, before my friend was like "excuse me, (and she said some other things I didn't hear)" and that 15yo boy stopped in his tracks and my friend and I just walked forward.
2. (this story has quite a bit of parts to it, so here's part 2) That same boy tried to cut our queue again. Like, excuse me bitch, no. So, I'm not sure if this would make sense since I'm not the best at describing and y'all can't be with me for me to explain it to you hahaha. Ok, anyway, queuing in front of my friend and I were another pair of friends. And, you know how in the queue there is enough space for 2 people to be standing beside each other? Ya, ok, so apparently the 2 friends queuing in front, as well as my friend and I were all standing on one side. AND THAT 15YO BOY TOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY AND TRIED TO CUT OUR QUEUE AGAIN HELLO????? He spoke to his dad in his mother tongue (not Mandarin, bc I didn't know what he was saying) and pointed in front trying to move in front of us. uhhhhh what are you doing.
3. So, by this time you'd think we'd be done with this boy, BUT NOOOOOOOO. So, I was using my phone and this boy was downright staring at my phone, and I had no clue. So, my friend came to me and took my phone and pretended using it, and I thought she was crazy. Then, she told me about it. I'm still so flabbergasted with that boy's behaviour.
4. Okay, this is gna be a short one. So, apparently this family has no sense of personal space???????? As I had mentioned, they were queuing behind us. And the whole time they were behind us, they just stood so so close to us. Like we had quite a number of skin contacts and I could feel their breath down my neck. LIKE DUDE, BACK UP.
5. So, my friend and I had finally reached the end of the line and it was our turn for the ride. And that family wasn't in the same float (is that what you call it?) and you had no idea how happy and relieved my friend and I were hahaha. So, you'd think we'd have an enjoyable ride, right? HAH YA RIGHT. So this lady who went with her boyfriend / husband (she looked old enough to be married so idk) and she got onto the float(?) and she didn't move to sit with her boyfriend / husband? SHE SAT IN BETWEEN MY FRIEND AND ME???? OMG, I WAS SO READY TO KILL MYSELF. This lady took so long to sit down and the float was nearing the end of the conveyer belt and I haven't gotten in my seat and I was like "UGHHH". And this lady has no sense of personal space as well. Throughout the whole ride, her legs kept touching my friend's and my legs. And I'm not sure if she had put lotion on her legs or it was just the water, BUT HER LEGS WERE SO SLIMY EW. And apparently during the ride her head hit my friend's head and that lady didn't even apologise omg what is wrong with people nowadays ugh.
6. Ok, this is gna be a short one as well. So, when my friend and I were queuing for another ride, a number of people cut our queue, like they weren't even immature teenagers, THEY WERE ADULTS WITH THEIR KIDS OMG. And, since they were adults my friend and I couldn't really do anything?? So we just rolled our eyes hahaha.
Whewww, ok this is the end of my ranting session. People's behaviour nowadays really astonish me sigh.
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